
I thought I was Huge!

Here are some pictures I found that my dad emailed me. Some are from October-ish, the others are Thanksgiving. I thought I was so big, how funny! Now it's just ridiculous. To all of you holding your breath for the big day... you can relax. My Doctor said I can anticipate going at least until my due date. He's happy where he is I guess, enjoying life on the inside. Mike and I are trying to enjoy our last "free" days, but I'm naturally a very impatient person.


Full Moon Fever

Is it mother's intuition or just discomfort that makes me think the baby is coming tomorrow? I've heard a lot of women go into labor during a full moon... so cross your fingers for me! My kitty met her first baby today, I don't think she liked being out of the spotlight. She's been stealing socks out of the baby's room and playing with them downstairs the last few nights. Mike says she takes the black and white ones because they look like her and she can pretend it's one of her kittens. Hopefully her neurosis wears out with age.
I had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday, all is well! I'm still growing, unfortunately. 38cm and ready to be done with it! I'm supposed to go to yoga on Saturday but I'm really hoping to be in delivery. I really want him to be an Aries, which "begins" tomorrow. A woman at Safeway asked me when I was due, and then asked if I had extra energy today. She said she was very energetic the day before she delivered. I haven't noticed a big change, I slept in until 11 so that may have helped. And I ate a lot of chocolate for dessert.


Baby Shower Pictures!

To those of you who missed out, here are a couple of pictures of me looking like a whale. Thanks to everyone who came, it was diaper-loads of fun!

Our very cool cake from Laureli ... Momma 1, Momma 2, and Mike- I need a nap

A handmade quilt from my Aunt Sandy ... Mike & a book about pirates

Some of the Crew


Aah Hormones!

Today has turned out to be quite the rollercoaster. I went shopping and completely forgot what I went out for, until I got home and tried to do the dishes... no dish soap. Then Mike came home early, and rather than get excited I was upset because I hadn't finished cleaning the house up yet. Later I simultaneously cried while laughing. Ohhh it's been a fun one. Trying to wind down now, we're watching American Gangster with Denzel Washington. I have a full day at work tomorrow, so hopefully that'll help keep my emotions in check! The baby has been moving around all day; kicks, hiccups, punches, the whole nine. Guess that means he's healthy! hopefully we're on the same sleep schedule for tonight, I need it.

I've been having heart palpitations lately, hopefully it's nothing to worry about... they're pretty persistent tonight. I've been practicing up on my meditation and relaxation, should help.
The picture is my insanely huge belly next to the snow out front, Mike's parents wanted us to send them some pictures so they can see how much snow there is. I'm definitely about to pop!


The Final Countdown

It's hard to believe 36 weeks have already gone by, and soon this little person thriving in my middle will be a kissable, holdable little boy. Gotta say I can't wait! Went to the doctor today and had her give me an ultrasound, since I haven't seen him since about week 20. I could see his face, chubby little cheeks, pug nose and big, pouty lips. He was opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
Everything is healthy, I finally got my blood pressure down! And the weight gain has slowed. I didn't realize how much my mobility would be affected by the end. It's a good thing I have Mike around in the morning to put on my socks and tie my shoes. Sleeping is becoming increasingly difficult, I suppose it's preparation for those late-night feedings and diaper changes every new parent looks forward to.
We received all of the necessities at our baby shower, which was a surprise and a big relief. I still need to write thank-yous. I would like to think I'm well-prepared for the big day, but there's still so much to do. The nursery is pretty much ready to go, but I still need to pack my hospital bag and get things squared away at work.
Maybe I'll take the day off tomorrow...