
Full Moon Fever

Is it mother's intuition or just discomfort that makes me think the baby is coming tomorrow? I've heard a lot of women go into labor during a full moon... so cross your fingers for me! My kitty met her first baby today, I don't think she liked being out of the spotlight. She's been stealing socks out of the baby's room and playing with them downstairs the last few nights. Mike says she takes the black and white ones because they look like her and she can pretend it's one of her kittens. Hopefully her neurosis wears out with age.
I had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday, all is well! I'm still growing, unfortunately. 38cm and ready to be done with it! I'm supposed to go to yoga on Saturday but I'm really hoping to be in delivery. I really want him to be an Aries, which "begins" tomorrow. A woman at Safeway asked me when I was due, and then asked if I had extra energy today. She said she was very energetic the day before she delivered. I haven't noticed a big change, I slept in until 11 so that may have helped. And I ate a lot of chocolate for dessert.


Ambu said...

Hey lovey! Have you thought of a name? I didn't notice a name on these blogs. my mom was going to name me robby and if i turned out to be a girl she was just going to keep the name. But my dad changed that. You sound like your ready and prepared even though you might not feel like it :) I'm looking forward to all the pictures miss you lots

Mallory said...

I can't tell who you are by your name! We've been talking about names a lot lately, but none are really too appealing. Well, at least not to both of us. Hopefully it won't take us too long to name him after he's born.