
The Final Countdown

It's hard to believe 36 weeks have already gone by, and soon this little person thriving in my middle will be a kissable, holdable little boy. Gotta say I can't wait! Went to the doctor today and had her give me an ultrasound, since I haven't seen him since about week 20. I could see his face, chubby little cheeks, pug nose and big, pouty lips. He was opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
Everything is healthy, I finally got my blood pressure down! And the weight gain has slowed. I didn't realize how much my mobility would be affected by the end. It's a good thing I have Mike around in the morning to put on my socks and tie my shoes. Sleeping is becoming increasingly difficult, I suppose it's preparation for those late-night feedings and diaper changes every new parent looks forward to.
We received all of the necessities at our baby shower, which was a surprise and a big relief. I still need to write thank-yous. I would like to think I'm well-prepared for the big day, but there's still so much to do. The nursery is pretty much ready to go, but I still need to pack my hospital bag and get things squared away at work.
Maybe I'll take the day off tomorrow...


sarah collins said...

this is awesome, now i can kinda feel like im near you for the process. i have a request: can you post a picture of yourself before you pop?